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The Valibel - Discours et Variation Centre proposes an integrated approach to language as a complex phenomenon in which the various levels of analysis are interconnected, whether in the area of the most basic of linguistic units (intonational unit, lexeme) or in that of the most elaborate ones (discourse, verbal interaction). The centre is attached to the Research Institute for Language and Communication (IL&C) of the Université catholique de Louvain. Since 2009, it unites the former members of the Valibel (VAriétés LInguistiques du français en Belgique) research center, created in 1989 by M. Francard, as well as researchers who were part of the CETIS (Centre d’Etudes du Texte et du dIScours) research group directed by L. Degand. Currently in charge is A. C. Simon.

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